Initial idea 2


 Programing python

What is the history of that programming language?

Programming is the essential factor in the history of the computer and also had several updates until the present day.. Before python other programs were used such as C++, Ada, Haskell  or o ABC which was the program that python replaced. Python was created in the late eighties (1989) by Guido van Rossum at the Center for Mathematics and Information Technology in the Netherlands. The name Python comes in homage to the English humorist, Monty Python that Guido Rossum admired, consequently the software has been updated and is currently one of the most used programming languages ​​worldwide.(vulpi, 2022)/(, 2022) 

What is python What applications require this language?

Basically python is a computer program used to build  websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis.

Nowadays python is one of the most popular programming language in the world, for simplicity and efficiency has been present in development of many software that are part of our daily lives. It is possible to find this programming language in web development, data analysis and machine learning, automation or scripting, software testing and prototyping. (coursera, 2022)

What are some common syntaxes in this language?

Syntaxes the way in which linguistic elements (such as words) are put together to form constituents (such as phrases or clauses, so syntax of the Python programming language is the set of rules which defines how a Python program will be written.The most common syntax used in python is Python Line Structure, Comments in PythonJoining two lines, Multiple Statements on a Single Line and Indentation.

Is it better than other languages such as java etc?

According to my research analyzes and some comments I could notice that java and other programs are notable very used, but currently python is the best reference in the world because is easy to use, more dynamic, supports several types of program models, easy to read, and free, among many other reasons python is most used and recommended worldwide.

What software can be used to build apps with this language?

Many software and companies use python to create app such as Google, Instagram, Facebook, Industrial Light and Magic, Spotify and Netflix.

coursera, 2022. [online] Coursera. Available at: <> [Accessed 29 April 2022].Python History -
 javatpoint. (2022). Retrieved 17 April 2022, from
vulpi, b. (2022). Python: como surgiu a linguagem e o seu cenário atual. Blog Vulpi. Retrieved 17 April 2022, from


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